RGB red green blue 500mW-1200mW three-color synthesis white full-color line laser module laser light
Working voltage: DC 12V
Operating current: <5A
Power: 500mW-1200mW
Modulation signal voltage: 0-5V
Spot Mode: Line
Line width: greater than 3mm (the farther the distance, the thicker the line width)
Dimensions: 70*55*45mm(L*W*H)
Driver board size: 48*32*15mm(L*W*H)
Terminal specification: XH2.54mm 2P
Interface description: On the driver board, the white interface is the 12V input power interface, and the yellow interface is the 12V output fan interface.
The red interface is the red light modulation interface, the green interface is the green light modulation interface, and the blue interface is the blue light modulation interface.
Operating temperature: -20°C~+50°C
Storage temperature: -40°C~+85°C
Note: Due to the special power of this product, if it is used for a long time, it must be equipped with sufficient heat dissipation to make the laser module work below 40°C.
Application: It can realize 7 colors such as red, green, blue, red-green, red-blue, green-blue, red-green-blue (white light).
It can be widely used in stage lighting, laser projection, outdoor lighting, laser positioning, spectral analysis, laser experiments, etc.
500mwRGB Cable:
Red light: 638nm 200mw
Green light: 505nm 100mw
Blue light: 450nm 200mw
It can reach up to 12 meters in indoor working environment
It can reach up to 6 meters in a semi-outdoor (non-direct sunlight) working environment
The installation height of the line is 0 meters – 8 meters can be used
The wire is thin and uniform, and the collimation and stability are very high
1000mw RGB cable
Red light: 638nm 200mw
Green light: 505nm 150mw
Blue light: 450nm 650mw
It can reach up to 20 meters indoors
It can reach up to 9 meters in a semi-outdoor (non-direct sunlight) working environment
It can reach 4 meters in an outdoor (direct sunlight) working environment
The installation height of the line is 0 meters – 10 meters can be used
The wire is thin and uniform, and the collimation and stability are very high
1200mWRGB line:
Red light: 638nm 200mw
Green light: 505nm 200mw
Blue light: 450nm 800MW
It can reach up to 25 meters indoors
It can reach up to 10 meters in a semi-outdoor (non-direct sunlight) working environment
It can reach up to 5 meters in an all-outdoor (direct sunlight) working environment
The installation height of the line is 0 meters – 10 meters can be used
The wire is thin and uniform, and the collimation and stability are very high
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